Friday, January 21, 2011

Blog on Ted Williams meets his mom.

Truely, a touching video. My favorite part of the video is how excited Ted is just to talk to his mother. He can't stop talking,  like he is trying to catch up on the decades of missed conversations with her. I also love her reaction. As soon as Ted said "Hi Momma!" she cries in her hands. Even after many years, she knew it was her son! She has not seen him since he was a child, but she still knew at the first sound of his voice, that was her son.

Speaking of his voice....
Thats how this video even came about. "The Man with The Golden Voice" became a internet hit with some 12 million views?!? Ted Williams became an internet sensation! There are so many video's posted from his "Golden Voice" discovery, to his rehabilitation converstaion with Dr. Phil, to this very meeting with his mother. The video that started it all says it, however. the first video with Ted williams as a homeless man. In the video you see him standing on the side of the road with, what you would think, to be your "standard" homeless man sign. This Sign had something much more than your typlical "any spare change" sign. In fact, I doubt it said anything about wanting money, food, or booze for that matter. All ted asked for on this sign was to take the time to listen to his golden voice from God.

This subject also made me stop to think, when you walk by anyone homeless, do you read the sign they are holding? I usually just assume they all generally say the same thing. Walking downtown minneapolis, take a quick peek at those cardboard memo's. Maybe we will find another internet sensation!

New blogger

I have never participated in a blog before.
Im honestly interested in how this will go, and a little excited to!