Sunday, February 20, 2011

Political Cartoons- Obama gets soiled

I'm not much in to politics. I think politics is full of drama. There is more drama that actual successful political work. In fact- the drama effects how a political decision could be a benefical one.

Even though I am not into politics, I would have to say I am Democratic. I love Obama. I think he can bring some good things to this Country.... If people (mostly republicans) would let him. As you see, this politcal cartoon I posted, Obama is a lovely, happy little flower, and the elefant is on his way to "soil him". Very representitive of my point.

I'm not here trying to say that republicans are the only group that brings in the drama. Democtrates do the same thing. PEOPLE do it. We are all about entertainment.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Green and Yellow

So this past sunday was super bowl sunday. the steelers played the packers. Being from Wisconsin, this was a big deal for my home state. I'm not much into football (I just enjoy the beers and good company)but I thought I would tag along to my boyfriends uncle's house for a superbowl party.

I would like to mention, my boyfriends family are Packers fans.

Have you ever seen a bunch of Packer Fan's before?
They are crazy! I have never seen so many people go SO CRAZY over a football team.
Now I'm not your typicall Packer fan (I dont do much football but i still must have someone to root for) I was born in minnesota, so when the vikings play, I root for the Vikings. when the Packers play, I root for the Packers, because I grew up in Wisconsin. THAT IS UN-HEARD OF. In wisconsin you either root for the Packers, or who ever is playing the vikings, vice versa. So. even though I was rooting for the Packers on this super bowl sunday,I was alreay the odd ball out. ESPECIALLY because my boyfriend told his whole family that I was only a vikings fan.

After watching 15 CRAZY Packer fan's, and being mildly harrassed for being a Viking and Packers fan, (the Vikings were not even playing) I thought about just staying a Vikings fan.

But then I thought, it's just football people! If I wanna root for both teams I will! And if I dont want to be super crazy over the Packer's then I won't!

You know how they say we are going to have to listen to annoying Packer fan's for a year... it's true.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Online Classes

Hello! good thursday evening! (LATE evening...)

Well this semester I decided to take 2 of my classes online. I thought that taking a couple online courses would make it easier for me to work full time and complete assigments (and maybe have some type of a life).
Last semester I had live classes tuesdays and thursdays, from 10am to 7:30pm! the other five days of the week I would work. THAT means I would have one day off a month, and it would only be because school would be closed for some type of holiday. So you maybe see my thought process in signing up for 2 online classes?

I have come to realize that an online class is twice the work. Why? well because you dont have actual class time. So, there's me, registering for classes thinking that im going to have so much more time to do homework and be able to easily work full time, and only physically be at school for three hours tuesdays and thursdays. (math just does not seem like a good online class...). YES. I have more availability for work, but I really don't have anymore time than I though I would...

Online classes= SO MUCH HOMEWORK
My biggest challenge is knowing everything that I need to do in a week. It is very hard to prioritize what is important to do first, and then next, and on what days, but oh, what about that assignment!

Despite all of the challenges of having two online classes, I must say I thourouly enjoy them. I enjoy completing my courses online. Sure, I have to try and work fourty hours a week, and sure, I have SO MUCH HOMEWORK..... but at least I enjoy completing it :)

I will definatly be doing more classes online
Just maybe not two at a time :)