Friday, February 11, 2011

Green and Yellow

So this past sunday was super bowl sunday. the steelers played the packers. Being from Wisconsin, this was a big deal for my home state. I'm not much into football (I just enjoy the beers and good company)but I thought I would tag along to my boyfriends uncle's house for a superbowl party.

I would like to mention, my boyfriends family are Packers fans.

Have you ever seen a bunch of Packer Fan's before?
They are crazy! I have never seen so many people go SO CRAZY over a football team.
Now I'm not your typicall Packer fan (I dont do much football but i still must have someone to root for) I was born in minnesota, so when the vikings play, I root for the Vikings. when the Packers play, I root for the Packers, because I grew up in Wisconsin. THAT IS UN-HEARD OF. In wisconsin you either root for the Packers, or who ever is playing the vikings, vice versa. So. even though I was rooting for the Packers on this super bowl sunday,I was alreay the odd ball out. ESPECIALLY because my boyfriend told his whole family that I was only a vikings fan.

After watching 15 CRAZY Packer fan's, and being mildly harrassed for being a Viking and Packers fan, (the Vikings were not even playing) I thought about just staying a Vikings fan.

But then I thought, it's just football people! If I wanna root for both teams I will! And if I dont want to be super crazy over the Packer's then I won't!

You know how they say we are going to have to listen to annoying Packer fan's for a year... it's true.

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