Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pre-spring time.


Spring is in the air! Can't you SMELL it? FEEL it?? SEE it?? Even though we all can tell that spring is on it's way over, this is a very akward time for minnesota. The weather is still slightly chilly, there is still a little bit of snow placed on the ground, and the leaves are not on the trees quite yet. We see al kinds of spring-like things out, from apparel, to home decor, to out-door activities. But the weather is still cold! I walk around target and see all the spring related merchandise and I just wnt to buy it all! But why do I want to buy it all? I think it's the anticipation that spring just around the corner. When Spring is finally here, all the summer merchandise is going to be out and it's just going to be the same deal!

This is obviously how companies sell there product! Merchandise gets you so excited about the next season that is coming.

Many people would not find this as interesting as I do. Nor I'm sure many people don't notice why they buy. I am in to the fashion merchandising business so it's an art to me. I love observing and learning about this stuff.

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