Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ramen Noodles: America's cheapest meal

In May of 2010, I stepped down from my "Big Girl" Management position to return back to school. Even though this will benefit me in the GREATLY in the future, I am now broke. When I had a "big girl' salary paying job, I was able to eat good foods, buy good groceries, ect.

That is not an option for me anymore.

The past year I have found ways to buy groceries at a cheap price (God Bless Aldi). I have also discovered that packing a lunch for work is much, much cheaper than eating out each time.

To save even more money during the holidays, I decided to stick to a Ramen Noodle dinner. I ate Ramen Noodles for dinner almost every night for two and a half months. After two weeks I started to notice some odd changes in my body. I noticed my jeans became too big, my face and back broke out (pretty nasty...) and I became very sick, tired, and just overall a big pile of...

I spoke to my mother whom is very knowledgeable of health, and she said no doubt, I am allergic to a MAJOR processed chemical in Ramen Noodles, MSG. These symptoms I have been noticing are part of a major allergic reaction. Who knew?

I am slowly recovering, eating good and REAL foods,and keeping MSG to a minimum. I am still sick and lathargic, but I am so much better than I was.


It's half you daily sodium intake in one bowl anyways....

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